Sustainable V-Shaped Recovery is Highly UnlikelyJ 103 This with out a doubt is the best read of 2020, this first para should entice you to read this 3 or 4 times, hold your breath
when Au moves, it will MOVE FAST.....STAY CALM AND FEAST...
"The very strong investment fundamentals for gold and gold mining shares are based on what has been a slow irreversible drift towards significant U.S. dollar (USD) devaluation. Paper assets, including equities, bonds and currencies, have underperformed the dollar gold-price since 2000, the dawn of radical monetary experimentation by central bankers. Until recently, gold's strength has attracted little notice from mainstream investors. Widespread disinterest can perhaps be ascribed to the stealthy, long-term character of gold's outperformance. In addition, the absolute performance of equities and bonds has been positive over the past two decades, so there has been little incentive to look elsewhere.