RE:RE:RE:RE:UPLISTING PYR is huge...finally going to the big board!Yup, it's a wash. With the recent buyback form PYR, it's virtually zero dilution. Quite amazing, actually, and clearly that was the reason for the buyback at the time, we just didn't know it.
sandysouci wrote: very interesting point: we just sold 1.6M -- but bought back 1.2M recently -- so the net difference is only 0.4M -- that's NOTHING!
sandysouci wrote: PERFECT CALL on this (see below from about 10 days ago)... thanks Developbc!...
developbc wrote: Keep in mind everyone as only half of the $10M is required via new issuance. $5M @$4.11 sp is about 1.2M shares which is way less than 1% dilution but remember Pyrogenesis bought back 1.2M shares thru companies NCIB program earlier this year
As stated..Pyrogenesis majority means...anything over $5M is defined as majority. Thus only touch under $5M needs to satisfy the issuance of securities qualified for distribution by a prospectus which I am betting Peter already has locked up w the banks/lawyers. PYR is definitely headed to TSX Senior Board developbc wrote: NOT a NEED for financing...securities issuance for TSX uplist:
Without limitation, the original listing requirements of the TSX provide that a company must have a minimum of $10,000,000 in the treasury, the majority of which has been raised by the issuance of securities qualified for distribution by a prospectus, which requirement is not currently satisfied by the company.
Majority is defined as at least $5M+ $1 which I am sure Peter has lined up already with banks and lawyers.
The balance is zero concern as yesterdday NR: $4.8M from US Military + $2.65M coming in from Drosite = $7.45M plus cash they have been receiving from Drosite and HPQ already easilly is over $5M on hand plus the securites issuance required to satisfiy TSX uplist.
Contract for torch news seems strategically delayed as we uplist knowing Peter. Imho torch news is very very soon.