RE:RE:RE:Western Atlas True...just elect him again and the whole world will laugh at you again. Of course he will tell you, that the world respects us most than ever, actually nobody does. It is just embarrasing and sad to see. But well, not my country, not my problem...
As long as I can't think of, it was "cool" to wear anything with a american flag on it. Today most people would be ashamed of even thinking about that. Stundents don't even think about traveling through america after finishing school and so on, and so on...
Trump did not make america great again, he made it a joke. I know he tells you different, but thats the way it is. Maybe you should read some foreign papers and with eyes not completly closed, you at least will start to ask some questions. But well...not my Country he ruins...
Worst economy ever, highest unemploymemt rate within years, worst corona management in the whole world, 3 billion deficite, most Corona deads in the world...and so on and so on...but of course, somebody else screwed up...all fake news. he is the most powerful man in the world, but cries like a baby that all the bs is not his fault...come on...