goldhunter11 wrote: lotto,
I always thought that FVL holes (Phase 1: 10,000m drill program, 15-20 holes, starting with drilling of the rest of hole 2002) were diamond drilling, since FVL was talking about splitting core samples to be sent to the Labs (see for example, 11 Sept 20020 NR for hole 2002). Most likely, they are NQ size (core= 47.6 mm, or 1.87 inch diameter). The 8.5inch core stated in your post would be too big. Perhaps you want to verify with the person you talked to at FVL. There are, at least, 2 geos in the PR Department, one is Kelly, the VP Communications, and the other is Katie. They used to have a bunch of holes drilled along the Tolovana Vein (along the goalie hockey stick handle pointing NE) back in the old days, and they were, as I recall, were RC holes (with larger bore but shallow, and RC holes would collect samples of rock cuttings, not samples of cores like those from diamond drillings.
You correctly in pointed out that drilling near the faults is tricky (but that would be where the Au like to be). Rod jam or broken drill bits would happen when they hit the faults.
In summary, 8.5 inch core is just too big for FVL to attempt for a depth between 500-666m.
lotto6492 wrote: ooopppss me bad, i meant 70 degrees. They are drilling 8 1/2 inch core, so the bit will be a lot tougher bit. I thought they were doing slim hole cores. I forgot to ask if it was wireline retrievable cores. i am assuming it is. for any of you new guys just google Gold and Faults, it will make your day.