Let's Make It Clear - Crypto Market Drives PriceMentioned this before and some of this is a response to CG - the crypto market is driving the price of Hive. Ethereum was down a little today, which has a greater impact on stock price than Bitcoin moving up and hitting the resistance line of $12,000.
If Ethereum launches back in to the $400s, our stock price will go back up. Some people have predicted $2,000 Ethereum this year. If that happens, watch Hive run.
Meanwhile, Hive is doing what they can to decrease costs and improve volume of coins being mined, which is great. But they cannot control the price of crypto.
Every investor here should either have a Binance account or look at coinranking.com each day and follow the price fluctuations. It's not overly complicated and doesn't have much to do with Frank. It might have in the past, now it's just about earnings and assets.