RE:RE:RE:Naive retail get fooled once againGeee Lou(ser)
You've got me so scared I might sell. I mean it is tough to argue with someone that is wrong every time he opens his mouth. Have it your way Lou(ser). I'm going to dig up all your old posts and lay your stupidity on the table for all the new investors to see for the first time and for all the Longs to get a second chuckle at your expense.
I will say this......,"cheap sales" might be the only thing you have ever got right. I mean $10 for deepspace and $5 for the other drinks with a 70% market share and 2,000,000 drinks sold to date. Nope, I guess you are wrong again. Those drinks ain't cheap. Keep trying though, Lou(ser), the sun does shine on a dog's azz every once in a while. I mean, make a thousand stupid statements and one of them is bound to be right......right? Well, not in your case. You are the only turd that has been here this long and never been right.......not once.
Make sure to check in this upcoming weekend. I would hate for you to miss the Lou(ser) montage that I am going to create. If any of the Long's can come up with a good title for the Montage, I would be happy to use it as the subject line. Have some fun with it. Winner of the title contest gets free drinks from me when we all get together to celebrate.
lou64 wrote: Gomer.... watch when reality comes with the posting of Canopy's quarterly loss and reduction of market share with lack of customer base because everyone wants to grow with license cesspool a plenty making over saturates the weed space .... plenty of cheap sales going on hitting the bottom line of profits !!
enjoy the reality check dork