Take the time and sign this petition I'm preparing a proper comment and will be signing shortly. I encourage all people who read this comment to sign this petition and the link will be at the very bottom. In between I will provide links proving the case please share my comment to reach even more people
This man took over a company that had over 500 million in the bank. He now has 400 million and 100 million plus is dilution. He also has 100 million ready to dilute again. He even agreed to unname the investor compounding on our image problem he doesn't get it. If he exercises another 100 million at market program that he announced is in in waiting in last financial quarter, he would have diluted the company over 12 percent and we still have less money in bank from when he took over.
He said he we would have no right downs yet we had many sending aphria spiraling.
Insiders Double Diamond have been selling every last share they can get their hands on and they are partnered with Aphria.
Irwin Simon owns no shares of Aphria yet he chairs another earth company which he has invested 20 million.
Irwin Simons salary has doubled to 18 million while Aphrias market cap continues to sink. He leads a company that missed being profitable by 2.4 million and yet he pays himself 18 million.
Irwin simon upon losing the deal with Emblem Said our supply will be spoken for anyways this is untrue because you can see we are now sitting on more supply then ever before. He jumped the gun signing a deal he couldn't fulfill we lost Emblem and received a thirty million penelty to go with it.
lost deals
over supply
30 million penelty
Irwin Simon has an accounting scandal at Hain which tabked the stock. You can google this fact and research it. Hain was not healthy when Irwin Simon left and investors were relieved he was gone.
He does no press or PR, he has repeatedly told lies and diluted. He brought no deals or contracts and relies heavily on our distribution which has no been impacted from severe taxes and pandemic in Germany .
irwin relies heavily on Vics deals and contracts.
We have the weakest 2.0 line up and no American foothold before election we are behind our counterparts. We were promised deals and distributors we now have nothing except his high paid salary
He will never cut a deal and relinquish his salary and control. Any possible deal he tries to negotiate ends in disaster not over doing right by the investor but by doing right by his salary
It's been two years and we have seen nothing. He diluted the share holder to pamper the war chest and disguise how much money he's burning through. We have no supply deals, no purchased US distributors, no deals period. We have lost deals.
This can go on forever there is much more to say. Please consider this Petition and sharing it.