Earnings Results No official date as of yet for when the 2020 Year End / 2020 Q4 results will be made available. Estimated date is 5 days away, Oct 26th.
If the company does indeed report EBITDA positive results it will be at least 3 years ahead of Aurora on that milestone and likely 1 to 2 years ahead of Canopy Growth. Canopy withdrew their estimate on when they would turn EBITDA positve so the 1 to 2 year comment is an estimate on my part.
Trading on the day the results come out can be expected to be much higher than average as new investors opt to come in on what they see in the results and (as always) there will be sellers opting to either exit or rebalance their investment dollar amount. The net change in shareprice will depend on how many shares sell for what price and how many buyers come in. The close on the day, and the days following, will be set by the market.
If you are a current investor and looking to rebalance or exit on the results then be sure to run your numbers ahead of time and note shareprices you need in order to trade out at a comfortable level. Also be sure to note anything you would like to see in the results in order to hold as their could very well be a surprise revenue number etc in those results.