RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Share volume
Income Tax The Corporation did not have taxable income in the first quarter ended March 31, 2020 and therefore did not have any current income tax expense. At December 31, 2019, the Corporation had an estimated $137 million of tax pools including non-capital losses available to reduce future taxable income and corporate income taxes.
MINIMUM value of tax pool at 20% = 27.4M$
MAXIMUM value of tax pool at 30% = 41.1M$
Decommissioning Liabilities Decommissioning liabilities are the present value of management’s estimate of future costs to be incurred to properly abandon and reclaim properties held by the Corporation. Accretion expense is the increase in the decommissioning liability resulting from the passage of time. Decommissioning liability at March 31, 2020 is $20,212,282.
minimum maximum
Assets 33,8M$ 33.8M$
Tax pool 27.4M$ 41.1M$
TOTAL 61.2M$ 74.9M$
Liabilities 55.0M$ 55.0M$
Net value 6.2M$ 19.9M$
The real value of TEI is in between of 6.2M$ and 19.9M$ + a portion of the impairments charges