The truth is that it is unique. Name a single other company where you can get online medical license... buy your cannabis, get AI generated recommendation, and delivery.! From one single company... so sorry, but you cant because there isn't anyone else doing that exact same thing... also in canada no one is selling rec. With out first having ig delivered to a brick and mortar store, besides the Gov. Websites. Now N is in Saskatchewan doing just that! Direct sales and delivery of rec. Online!! Sorry buds no where else... obviously there are other companies doing online buisness in the cannabis space, frankly I'd be concerned if ther wernt .... it's called healthily competition. Also, must are just following in the foot steps of N...they we were the first ever sales only online licensed company for cannabis in Canada! It true!! You boy knows!! Ninja knows and Rambum doesn't clearly!! I could of course continue to RIP strips but I'll give you a fighting chance lol Rambum!!