If we leave Irwin Simon in charge expect.. The stock price to be deliberately depressed over and over as Irwin Simon continues to do. Last time we ran up to over 8 CAD in January, he decided to take 100 million dilution from an unnamed investor of all things and it crashed us. He's since burned through the cash and purchased nothing. He now has another 100 million he can draw on and again he says for a purchase and administrative costs but it always ends up administrative like his 18 million Salary.
Vic Neufeld And Cole Casiviloni were the biggest scammers of Leamimgton Ontario and everybody knows it. Irwin Simon is part of that crew and is a continuation of Vics Reign over the company. This family fully intends to never let this company go unless the investors stand up and toss this filth out once and for all. As Daredevil said, this "family" can have a private equity firm to buy the company and take it private. If you see all the moves Irwin Simon makes, you almost have to believe this is happening.
Vic turned down Altria then we got shorted
Irwin is turning down every deal possible especially when now is the most important time to make a deal. We have US elections on the horizon and you turn down everyone including Canopy? I can see right through you Irwin Simon. Until Irwin Simon is gone we will be under the scam of Vic and Cole and the rest of the scammers