Everybody is looking for financial indicatorsand that is going to take awhile for it to filter down to the shareprice. When a penny difference in shareprice translates to 7-10% movement you get daytraders. I call them flippers which is contrary to my buy and hold strategy. I've got a 3 -4 bagger right now but I honestly think this can be a lot more than that. If regular Joe traders don't drop trou and sell then the sp stays up. "Forever" is the time to hold a stock according to Warren Buffet. This company was just about tanked but got a second chance and our product line looks great. New markets and contracts are teasers for success and it is now up to chain of command to get these products to the consumer and ultimately up to the consumer to make or break the products. I believe that there is a high degree of science and biology formulated into our products and consumers are willing to do something good for themselves in their busy lives. Give it a little time to mature because a lot of good things can happen for the companies involved but we have to give it a chance. glta and dyodd