RE:Found it... the Simon quote which is why apha
Planetoflimes wrote: Is missing the US market SP run and why apha is struggling to look at the US when others have had a solid game plan. So here is Simon, the CEO if Aphria with no game plan in the US, and even worse absolutely no forward vision beyond what he took over. Start watching at 4:39 link below.
good feed
However, if you listen carefully...unfortunately what IS speaks, it's reality for 6 mins 36 secs, the truth. The absolute facts of what has happened since legalization in Canada.
Federal legalization is not happening in the USA anytime soon, State by state, yes. What everyone is hoping for is Decriminalization. The difference...
Legalization of cannabis is the process of removing all legal prohibitions against it. Cannabis would then be available to the adult general population for purchase and use at will, similar to tobacco and alcohol. DecriminalizationLegalization of cannabis is the process of removing all legal prohibitions against it. Cannabis would then be available to the adult general population for purchase and use at will, similar to tobacco and alcohol. Decriminalization-is the act of removing criminal sanctions against an act, article, or behavior. the act of removing criminal sanctions against an act, article, or behavior.
Canabis 2.0 is not going to be anything close to the first goat show...I hope and so do all the Investors, that bubble is in the past, it burst in a cloud of smoke.
Hoping for a well thought out plan by IS, for all Investors, employees and who it affects directly and indirectly.
Medical will come first...eventually Rec