EXPM:JGFCF - Post by User
Post by
jerrio78on Oct 25, 2020 11:41am
Post# 31778229
The week ahead
The week aheadIf the organized drop was a short attack then buyers should be happy for the price break. If it's the inside group around the team or the asset then they either want to shake out the weak to take control of a higher percentage of the outstanding shares, or they are setting a price for another purpose. They still could issue some options before hitting the max but normally a second round of options are priced higher than the first round which was 46 cents. We ran up on about 7 million traded and a lot traded over 50 cents. The thin bid support opened the door to dropping the price on 180000 shares. The drop was organized and mostly in coordinated 500 share lots (over 200) 2 days after they could have sold all day long at between 78-80 cents to some big buyers who were loading. I look forward to the future of this company and all the dynamics that come with it. It won't be high fives every day but we all know the $4 million market cap will likely be $50 million to $100 million short term. If that timeline is too much for some shareholders then sell into the fear and move along. Inter-day price swings have no effect in the large long term holders and the tiny amount sold under 70 cents now should be a big hint this is a monster in the making. Over my years of trading I have noticed the more games played with the price and the more shake-outs the bigger the asset that's coming in. JMHO