RE:If all nmx shareholders are willing to put 40,000Tcheck... lol, lol Yup, $40,000 from each and every one of the 25,000 investors who just lost their shirts on this venture. Or about a $1.25 for each of the 800 million outstanding shares... so it would cost you $50,000 for your shares! Look at the whining and crying you've been doing over the 40k shares you had, probably with a value a little over 6 grand. When you first heard about the funding shortfall over a year and a half ago, why didn't you buy shares at market to sustain the S/P at the time instead of watching it freefall? You did purchase at the low point to try and make a windfall profit... how'd that work out for you? lol You would NEVER, EVER invest $40k in this POS, why would you expect others to? I bet you would then want to hire a fella named Guy to run the company for you too...
Accept your loss here, will ya! And if you are so upset about how your government treats you... leave the province... have your tax dollars go to a provincial gov't more in tune with your philosophy.
Tcheck wrote: We can buy nemaskea ,finish the work and pay ourselves back with guaranties .
we would be able to raise 1 bn $
the first 1 bn $ would go back to the new investment .
the second would pay for the past investment .
IQ will get nothing
and pallinghurst can participate on our terms .
who is rich enough .?
this is an extreme scenario.
with a loan from the government we could slash this forked our money considerably .