RE:RE:RE:Smaller LPs Like Supreme Cannabis Will Strike Deal with U.S Some people organize the parade, some watch it, and I don't think you know that there is a parade going by! You chimed in on your investment choice and you may be right about Supreme blowing up 300 %. Canopy has already made serious moves into the US MSO market. All it is going to take is a trigger such that Canopy management feels politically and legally safe enough to wrap up the deal that is already inked and paid for to assume the shares of Acreage for a share swap for Canopy shares. At current prices for these stocks, if it were to happen today, it is close to 300% appreciation. Acreage Holdings is for all intents and purposes the Canopy US division and they are already making serious moves to get Canopy branded products on shelves in the US through agreements with Acreage. There are nrs announcing Canopy branded beverages infused with CBD and also announcements for THC infused beverages for next summer in the States where legal under State law protection which is more of a trust agreement between individual States and the Feds. Canopy feels secure enough to make those news releases. Acreage made some bad moves and paid the price with investor discontent that hammered the shareprice for the latecomers. First string investors got a special dividend of about $3 US and I recently got several thousand dollars added to my account for the latest 30c dividend provided by Canopy to Acreage for shareholders of record to revisit the deal they had inked for the takeover of Acreage. Acreage shares have been split into fixed and floating shares with the fixed being switched out for Canopy shares when there is no downside to Canopy to be a direct handler of the product. The floating shares have one more "if" attached at the whim of Canopy at a shareprice of $6.50 US. If Canopy shares snapped back to their old glory days, those $3 shares of Acreage fixed could be 20 baggers and I would expect Acreage floating shares to show significant gains too. Don't think for a minute that Canopy isn't active and taking care of business to maintain their leadership. That is not to say that some of the established smaller companies can't be quick movers and profitable but keep in mind that Canopy has a couple of billion dollars in the bank to pull this off and a big brother named Constellation Brands. glta and dyodd