Cameco sharesare one of the best indicators of what is happening in Uranium.
The share price is extremely weak. Day after day, it flounders in the red. So if the stock market is a predictor 6-12 months out, it means there is no bull market imminent.
So pumpers and analysts are again (just as they have been for the past 6 years) feeding you far too optimistic projections. In other words, they are full of low grade manure.
There is NO uranium shortage. That is why the spot price is stuck. That is why the futures market shows uranium at $39.05 for 2025. That is why Cameco shares are hurting.
Uranium is not an ordinary commodity. Too much shenanigans going on behind the scenes.
The worst possible thing you can do is to put any faith in people like Quakes, Fulp, Talbot and Chang. All are not trustworthy.