End of Month - October 2020End of Month (EOM) report for October 2020 for Skyharbour Resources Ltd.
V.SYH closed on 10/30/2020 at C$O.155
V.SYH closed on 09/30/2020 at C$O.180
This is a 13.9%, a 2.5-cent, loss for October
U3O8, @US$29.50 per pound, U3O8 was down US$O.25, or 0.8%, in October.
S&P 500 Index, @ 3269.9 lost 2.8% in October. [4.5% above its MA(200) @ 3129.4]
Two Hundred Day Moving Average [MA(200)] stuff.
V.SYH's MA(200) ended October at $O.165
V.SYH is now 6.1% below its MA(200).
News Release for October
Oct 22, 2020
Skyharbour Signs Letter of Intent with Pitchblende Energy to Option 80% of the North Falcon Point Uranium Property
Who is the Big Cheese at SYH?
Jordan Trimble, B.SC., CFA, Director, President and CEO
James G. Pettit, Chairman of the Board