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Delta 9 Cannabis Inc DLTNF

Delta 9 Cannabis Inc. is a Canada-based vertically integrated cannabis company. The Company operates through three segments: Wholesale Cannabis, Retail Cannabis and Merchandise and Devices, and Business to Business. The Company sells cannabis products through its wholesale and retail sales channels and sells its cannabis growing pods to other businesses. Its cannabis products include dried cannabis and pre-rolled joints. Its edibles and vapes include vape pens and concentrates, edibles, and drinkables. The Company, through its wholly owned subsidiary, Delta 9 Bio-Tech Inc., is a licensed producer of medical and recreational cannabis products and operates a 95,000-square-foot Health Canada licensed production facility in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. It also owns and operates a chain of retail stores under the Delta 9 Cannabis Store brand. It is focused on producing and selling cannabis oils, extracts, and derivative products.

GREY:DLTNF - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by gnote1on Nov 03, 2020 7:33am
Post# 31828422

Desperation by some posters

Desperation by some postersDesperation by some to hide the good News about Delta 9 winth BS posts.  Good news reported and posted and then some posters try to change the narrative.  Not going to work your desperation is obvious, time to find another stock.  Too late!
Bullboard Posts