TAKE CONTROL OF THE PLANE, TAKE CONTROL OF THE PLANE!!!!I feel sorry, only a bit, for everyone who rubs their hands together thinking that this will be the day that CRDL POPS!! They wake up in the morning not knowing what the weather will be like!! (I mean they've done their mere superficial DD and are set!!)
...I was hoping like everyone that this would go up a bit today - not in the opposite direction - i'd rather short at a higher price.
YOUR TURN TO LOSE MONEY ON IT, I'm slowly rebuilding shorting...as money respects no one.
...and when it does "POP" there will be plenty of time to climb back on since the growth won't be stellar at the start with plenty of room with a valid hope at THAT time ---so why not move the dead $ to live stuff.
...I'm getting a bit dizzy from the up and downs and my stoamch is about to let out...