RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE: Peter has a surprise in store for us after funding closes .You are incorrect. Company I work for is about to spend $10 billion on RF radio spectrum and has spent money like that time and time again on spectrum and of other ventures .
If it’s Vale, the year have the coin as well so you’re statement is incorrect.
canyousayiii wrote: Yup, folk better get use to the idea that there will be a series of contracts over time for clients with multiple locations rather than one huge one. Companies dont so easily write $1 billion checks for equipment. To me, a good start would be 10 torches, to many here it would be 50 in essence for outfitting one plant, a few expect, or at least say so, 100s. I think 50 would be fantastic. And if there was more than one such client within a month of each other, that would exceed my expectations. GL.