Wind instead of oil - Please forgive me. this is my first post.
There are millions of high rise buildings and billion of houses in the world.
They require to be heated from sub zero temperatures to the comfort temperature of 25.00 deg C. Wind and solar will not provide a very small fraction of energy to do this job. IT IS OIl and GAS.
Enbridge did not go down in a free trading market but forced down since August 13.
The way I see friday trade as followes:
A seller agreed to sell 7 million shares at the close of the market. He selected a very good day after ebridge reported good numbers. The buyer is aggressive as usual forced the stock to below 36.00
It was 35 80 moved to 35 90, 91 and selleing resumed. 7000 shares 4000 shares sold 3000 sold until 35 82. I am very simple investor holding 700 shares, It is beyond me who will sell at 35 90. Is he shorting at this level and had a strong conviction that it will drop big and makes money.
Thanks Menmer 16. I am learning a lot from your discussions.