SONA antigen rapid test performs extremely well !!Conclusions:
This paper outlines evidence that Sona’s rapid antigen test performs extremely well in its ability to identify patients with the highest risk of transmission. Access and deployment of rapid tests is key to combating the current pandemic. With only a handful of such tests available, it is imperative that as many developers and manufacturers as possible can bring these to market and make them widely available in a bid to dramatically reduce community transmission rates that are currently rising as many countries enter a second wave. Rapid antigen detection tests, such as Sona’s, can be utilised as screening tools among at-risk populations to allow for infected individuals to isolate at home and therefore cut or reduce transmission chains. These diagnostic tools can be used in screening systems that identify potentially positive workers and customers from long-term care facilities, manufacturers, airlines, schools and other environments in which populations are not able to maintain social distancing in order serve their function.