RE:Right after the ejection of Trump the injections come now “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” ~ Luke 23:34
“Let them have what the want, for they will not get what the want, but they will get what they deserve.”
~ RJ & Bill Bonner
Humans are not entirely made of themselves but are a composite of many microscopic creatures.
In many cases, you cannot live without them.
The effects of a vaccine on these creatures are problematical.
History shows many instances of horrible long term effects.
But why should anyone care, vaccine makers are exempt from any liability by federal edict.
Would you get into an aeroplane or automobile, made under such an exclusion?
Oh well, IMHO there is ready way to many stupid and ignorant people in the world, or as MPG would say ‘retards’.
Let them have at it.
Just leave me out.