RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:FDA Approval for Investigational New Drug (IND) Application The long-term viability of this thing is in question:
Biovetra could come in at any time with someone's (Apotex?) generic front-end and knock its' cortcul off the shelf at lower price points. And pharmacies do contract for their own no-names: what happens to cortul then - when Shoppers/Walgreens etc. wants to sqeeze "their money" themselves. No revenue on anything. So the "PURE CBD PRODUCT" has a market value of 0$ since quite a few have it already. and it will probably come to that.
Biovectra has even more supply ability than Dalton. Let alone into the USA.
What's the pship split with both Cdn and US manufacturers? CRDL likes to tout in the PRs, probably to give it 'the appearance of synergy', when no one knows what amount will end up in CRDL's pocket. Given the other ships are supplying the manufacturing, and need CRDL for sqat, maybe we should have Trevor tell us about that. Should me have a right to know? "Answer the f'ng question since it's your shareholders $, you only have to earn a return on it."
CRDL, effectively, has a history of right-out lying or misleading the market: want me to go thru examples? Makes you wonder about anything Red Skelton says now.
Maybe that's why the SP is stuck at effectively $3, for a year now. Probably pumped by interested non-investor parties.
'Your' spelling is in need of correction since ...'you're' not dealing with someone who needs 'your' opinion on anything and 'you're' ok to express it here - like myself.