RE:I haven’t had a response yet. that question was already publicly answered, what more are you expecting?
I laugh at the complainers looking in the rear view mirror. In hindsight it is very easy to find imperfection.. Visionaries look into the future and plan a path, and it is not always perfect in exectution. I prefer to invest with visionaries, and I believe KN is one.
he has put forth an ambitous plan to become the largest silver miner in the world, to paraphrase a comment from Keith..."I am the CEO of a silver company because I am bullish on silver, I am not bullish on silver because I am the CEO of a silver company"
Please note the difference Keith could have taken his piles of money he made in copper and sat on his own private island for the rest of his life very comfortably... instead he researched the metals market and decided he wanted to invest in the future of silver, buying silver assets when they were cheap and building a multi billion dollar company, and he is not done.... this is by choice and with a vision of the future. We are lucky to have him.
I welcome the venomous replies that focus on trivial moments in history that have zero impact on today or the future... lets see,, I know already,
1..I am an amature hack, how dare I have a positive outlook..
2..somone in the company sold thier shares, (as is thier right) dare Keith make silver price predictions,... and the most recent,
4..why did Keith sell any silver if the future has higher silver prices.
talk about pathetic lower than amature level complaints, from someone who claims to be an expert and perfect in every way... thats what you base your constant pathetic complaining on? seriously? To call these points childish is giving them too much credit.