Acreage has beenharshed badly by investors. That is what makes it so appealing. Where can you buy a stock with an agreement to be taken over by the world leading marijuana and hemp company when a few details fall into place. Canopy spent good money for the deal with Acreage who gave it to the first string of investors as a special dividend. The second tranch of the money Canopy forwarded to Acreage also made its way to investors of record. I do question those allocations as being premature by then management who then needed to go to the investor community when they weren't feeling the love, and were demanding huge premiums and finder fees for marijuana spec money. That deal, if nothing else sparked up Canopy who are sitting on considerable amounts of cash to back their future US branch. And yet, investors can't see what these forward thinking innovators have planned with Acreage as a critical part to maintain their world leadership. Canopy knows they need what Acreage is bringing to the table for rapid launch in the US. Investors also, don't see or haven't figured out the math of what those Acreage shares will net. Canopy is moving forward, using deals and angles to continue to grow Canopy through branding deals with Acreage to get Canopy products on shelves in the US which show promise to be the biggest greenrush the world will see. How these companies figured the deal and split the shares is confusing but if you project out what 1000 shares of Acreage costs and what it will return, it looks like Acreage is on sale, subject to a US greenrush. Canopy is getting some good interest from investors and sp appreciation. Those fixed Acreage shares will be assumed by Canopy for Canopy shares and those floating shares are hanging in the breeze for $6 if/when Canopy decides to take them all. A US triggering event will bring full focus to Canopy shares and they will be in short supply. I can imagine them being valued at their old highs and Acreage floaters will move up too as realization sets in. Acreage is Canopy USA imho, world leader and innovator, moving forward with an eye on profits. glta and dyodd