And Here Comes The Noise lol. Hey boys. Its our money our call . Thanks for playing the financial village priest as I,m sure you bashers have our best interests at heart and if your not a broker you cannot tell people to sell as thats illegal . Second you can sit on the bids and rot as many here are longs and have done our homework unlike you and telling people to sell so careful you are not reported . 3rd , when the bashers come to town you know you have the goods . Future contracts will pop sp as Covid is not going away anytime soon and besides the 1 order of buisness and thats a vaccine the 2nd most most urgent need for the ENTIRE WORLD is Covid Rapid Tests Kits . Yup . Have a great day and just a word of note . The more sp goes up the more drivel and noise the bashers will spew count on it . Be smart and stay safe cheers .