Dicussion's OngoingNVA blew the WAD on Pipestone, with financing fees, subscription fee's and interest they have well over 700 million into that play.
It was simply to big an anchor and they have never recovered. When Pipestone was purchased is was producing less than 10,000 boe a day and its about the same size as POU's Karr land wise with 1/3 the production and a resouce that in not quite the same.
So in my mind there is no question NVA has value, but who will pay for it. Nobody in the current market place, and the banks keep on tighting the noose around their NVA's neck.
I plead to to all NVA shareholders to sell your shares at 61 cents, and it will be a one time painful moment then it will be over.
POU and NVA are a match made in heaven.