CEO leaving for personal reasonsClassic euphemism for getting fired And a firing well justified. Second highest remuneration in the entire province. Second only to the CEO of BCE; a $51 billion enterprise. When treasury is running on fumes cutting salaries is the quickest route to stop the bleeding. Pretty sure there was no settlement either as he had already been paid for fobbing off his worthless co. on to shareholders.
"Success is just around the corner. It's just a matter of time". Sound familiar? How many times in the last two decades? Has management mastered the critical importance of "time"? I wonder.
Somebody goofed in their communication which gave the FDA an excuse to postpone the pdufa. The proverbial last straw.
On another occasion, when the fuel tank icon was similarly flashing orange, Pritchard arose to announce that he had found an additional $14m by selling plasma inventory. Are there any rabbits left?