Updated presentation on Gran Columbia.  All types of info. Gives a good summary of warrants. 
Gran Columbia has the 4th highest dividend of 25 gold producers listed. To pick up the December 15th dividend, you would have to buy the stock before Nov 30, so I suspect we will see this move up slowly over the next few weeks.  Anonymous buys on both the buy and sell side are again taking out
most of the volume.  Company buying again, Sprott selling. Who knows? Not a lot of volume on GCM or Caldas.  Caldas warrants holding their own.  Most likely reflects the long term view for the stock.  No one willing to sell unless near the 52 week high.  Sold one of my other warrant holdings
for a double.  Should have held it is 4X this morning.  Would like to be a fly on the wall when the board discusses this latest move.