Anyone here ever take 2 minutes to read for spectral medical?
Gives some insight into how the company treats their employees. If this is true it's no wonder why shareholders feel slighted. Presumably the company would have the same level of contempt for its shareholders. I'd imagine the share price must, to some extent, reflect some of this.
Also, the piece about executives acting like they're in retirement really drive homes what many on Bay Street I've spoken to say about it being a lifestyle company. Not to mention employees calling management narcisisits that only care about themselves. Shows in the salary structure. Also, interesting that another commenter says it's run like a family business with no chance for advancement.
You'd be hard pressed to find another company so despised by their employees that not a single person working there had anything positive to say and a rating of 1/5. I mean not a single employee ever rated working here as something positive. Petro Canada gas stations seem to have higher ratings.,27.htm