Keep thing in perspective...Two sucessful vaccines announced...on preliminary data. Great news but doesnt mean the need for treatments goes away. We have had flu vaccines for decades. Every year many die and are hospitalized for the common flu.
Keep in mind that the two main differences between Covid and regular flu is an asonishing cytokine storm than causes INFLAMATION of among other thing, lung tissue. Damage from this inflamation can be permanent including damage to the heart.
Buccilamine has already been proven to be very good drug to specifically reduce the effect of inflamation. It is used on Gout patients, used during organ transplants to reduce lieklihood of rejection, and almost certainly will reduce the damage done by Covid.
Im staying put. The science is sound. SP already recovering just like last week. Smart investors see these pullback as good entry points. Otherwise we would still be sliding. Two 90% plus effective vaccines announced and we are pretty much flat. This bodes well. GLTA