Given that a combination of debt and equity make up90% of project financings why is it members of this board feel ORE willl be the exception?
Dilution is the nature of the beast, nonsensical 1/2 warrants are also very common whien it comes to these microcaps (drives me crazy because they provide no capital when capital is needed, and are in efffct using the shares as currency when the underlying value is worth 2.5-3 on an uderlying NAV basis beased on the feasibilty study.
The only major risk here is the NY J's tank the price of gold back to $1000 and given that ETF inflows have dominated the price increase----not central bank buying,, jewlery demand or the purcasing of gold bars---one never knows if or when the price plummets vs all our hopes of the gold price staying at these levels, which is all that is required for sharholders to garners 100-200% return on a 18 month hold basis. In short it is not share dilution, or project escecution, tat is the risk. It is the price of gold that will dominate ORE Shers fate.