MORIARTY = SMART AND A HERO!Truth is, I haven't been around here that long. But, it does in fact seem that there's a group of people around here who are just intent on bringing QH and Novo down. Their posts are SO juvenile to the detached, objective reader that it makes one wonder whether QH did something to them in the past, like outperform them in the workplace, steal their girlfriend, or something petty and egotistical like that.
Moriarty has a brain, the man is a professional, dedicated to his craft. You can tell that in his numerous writings and interviews. One can take issue with some of his language, but I expect that from a Marine hero, and it also shows exactly how AUTHENTIC (look it up) he is. If everybody had a FRACTION of the integrity this man has, the world would be a MUCH better place. Does anybody else around here have such writings and interviews they can point to? Does anybody around here submit himself to PUBLIC SCRUTINY? Crickets. This one jackass (forgot his name) wouldn't even use his TA to give us a projected 12/31/2020 price for Novo or give us investment advice, for fear of being wrong. Useless.
Yep, I'll be buying Moriarty's book when it comes out - it promises to be a GREAT story I can use to teach my daughter about TENACITY and CHARACTER.