Catalyst....... Look at T.HIVE It was down and out and still is just barely an OK company, however, ETH and BTC are climbing every day so HIVE is doing well again. Not awesome , just good , because the segment is lifting off!
What we have left to drive OILS is NEPT, VLNS and T.WEED. ( I'm sure I'm missing some ) If the market comes around and one of these breaks out then OILS will take off.
NextLeaf in itself is much too small as we all know to drive anything. However they can be the fuel in the rocket, even specifically the high octane component.
I'm not worried at all about OILS. It's the segment that keeps me from sleeping.
P.S. Putting any stock down has never put one $CENT in anyones pocket. Shorters don't play that way.
On the other hand, ripping bashers can be fun!