I dont know if approval is coming soon..As most of you know, I am invested in the company and want it to go up just like many of you considering my share price is $6.91. That being said, the Ontario education minister came out today and spoke about how an extended closure of the christmas break for schools is something they are considering. What does this have to do with SONA? Well this could mean a couple things and I will be as realistic as possible. This could mean the following and feel free to chime in with your input (no BS posts that are annoying):
1) Covid is clearly getting worse and the requirement for testing to re-open the economy will regain some impotance that was lost throughout the fall season (lets be real, the vaccine conversation and lengthed approval process put a bit of a damper on the SONA/testing hype). So can see some heads turn towards testing as a fundamental player to the levels of previous statuses.
2) The executing of the plan to incorporate rapid testing as a requirement to reopen the economy is clearly not a near term reality as schools are being prepared to shut down. This could mean that we would potentially not see anything significant from SONA's role in re-starting the economy or getting it back to "normal" as we are going backwards when it comes to that with the school closures.
This is just my input in reading into the announcement today. Again, feel free to chime in and contribute. If you plan to troll then just leave. Hopefully this bad boy can see the $10 mark at some point before March, who knows?!