At least we can always find work. I'm becoming a bankermedical Doctor and vaccination maker, all rolled up into one.
Limited positions but tremendously lucrative if you make the grade.
My uncle Rocky, can get me the grades, and then I am a made man,
a Wise Guy.
Communist 3.0 aka communism as usual, starts 2030.
So i'm shorting everything till then.
Then the good life behind the politburo high priest chamber.
That's my final job position.
If I make the grade, and rocky stays alive long enough.
And his friends, the pump er uppers too. Then I am one of
them also.
A pumper er upper, man, and trainer as a side job to get
rid of all my aggression in an acceptable way.
Hi, i'm Peep 2 and I just want to pump you up.
Really get your spirits up to be a manly man. One that
gets all the attention, can beat up everyone up, and gets
all the attactive frauliens (women for those that can't speak
Arnold Schartz and nag ger, talk).
This is only for illustrative purposes. Don't try this at home
or abroad.