Not just an explorer any moreReading through some of the comments over last year or so and one common theme is that investors seems to think this company is spread too thin, has too many shares out, has been unsuccessful in exploration succes. While all of these may have truth to them i think we are all missing the point here. RCLF is in a transformation stage with private backing ($30M) to go from strictly being an explorer to advancing towards a producer. They have tranformed their management team to include some of North Americas most experienced mine builders and are potentially creating a whole new model of mineral extraction - low capital, innovative methods to get value out of high-grade narrow-vein deposits. Its a gamble, but its a calculated one and one that if works out over next couple of years can put this stock in the dollar range regardless of shares out or any other financial factor. See quote from CEO below from Oct shareholder update:
"It is our belief that with the PEA results being available shortly, shareholders in Rockcliff will see first hand what the team has been able to generate to create wealth out of a number of small narrow vein deposits known for sometime, yet remaining undeveloped with traditional approaches. Should the PEA be successful, Rockcliff will have unlocked a niche position for itself where near surface, narrow vein, steeply dipping deposits can be turned into wealth for society."
These guys are NOT marketers or stock pumpers, they are experienced mine-builders who were brought here for one reason - to turn these deposits into wealth and i personally dont see them failing on this.