Better than a Covid Play...When Paul said, we are not a covid play...He is right.
Question ? What is a Covid play?...
Best exemple of a Covid Play is Covid-19 Vaccine and Covid-19 Tests, vaccines and tests will generate revenue for the next 2 to 3 years and then stop generating revenue.
Kontrol Biocloud detectors will at first detect Covid-19 virus and later will be adapted to detect other virus and Pathogens.
Kontrol Biocloud detectors are better than a Covid play, because Kontrol Biocloud detectors will continue to generate revenues after the Covid-19 crisis is over.
Note: Press release Nov18,2020 Kontrol said (Quote) " The Company has also entered into discussion with various parties for potential industry exclusive distribution agreements which would require minimum quantity order (End Of Quote)"
If there wasn't serious demand for Biocloud detectors Kontrol wouldn't be still asking for minimum quantity order, even if it is to protect it's Patents.
Holding on to may shares, because Kontrol Biocloud detectors is better than a Covid-19 play.