Watch Gold Price Magically Go Up Next Week !!!Hear me out this is very important !!! Gold will go up big next week !!!
The Gold markets are rigged no question about it !!!
Case in point the options & futures market are used as a license to steal & fleece John Q Public by the crooked banks
In August of this year Gold put in an all-time high. the masses were told Gold was due for the ride of a lifetime. Mainstream Media, the mouthpiece for the banks pushed the narrative hard....Gold was where the smart money was going !!!
Thousands and thousands of simpletons bought into this narrative. They invested (blindly threw) their money into the rigged casino known as the Options Market
Simply put Options are a bet on a future strike price at an appointed time usually 90 days
Sheep being lad to slaughter bought thousands and thousands of Call Options in the $1875-$1925 strike price
Seemed like a very safe bet as Gold was trading at $2060 range -All Time Highs
Fast forward 3 months later-magically & systematically... Gold has been hammered once again and these contracts expire worthless and Banks stand to make Hundreds of Millions if not Billions of Dollars
The good news is this part of the rigged casino gets the plug pulled next week ( 90days) - the slate will be wiped clean - Sheep fleeced - Bankers engorged :(
Mark my words next week magically Gold will rebound and once again continue on its historic bull run
Hopefully Banks will flip the scam and go on the long side .Watch the narrative closely... if the media is pushing Golds demise you can be sure the Bank has gone long on Gold and clueless sheep will be buying Puts. PT Barnham was correct "There is a new Sucker being born everyday"
Anybody w half a brain knows endless printing of monopoly money debases the currency and Gold & Silver are the only safe haven left.
Someday sooner than later ( I believe it will start next week)
Stay away from the shark infested waters of the option pool & invest in real, solid well run Jr. Miners . Buy Right & Sit Tight. Patience is indeed a virtue. Average down when opportunity presents itself.
I promise this sh*t show will end soon and you will be blown away as to the profits you will enjoy. These markets are tiny and when John Q Public gets in ..(.of course at the wrong time) ... it will drive stock prices thru the roof. KD