RE:Goldsappy and 'the mason'; the tin foil hat brigadeCanada did have some Prohabition in it's History. Late 1800's, 1918-20, a limited time though. PEI had Prohibition from around 1900- 23 or so. I'm not a big conspiracey theory kind of guy, but there are some strange things going on, and it's not just the pandemic, which I believe is real. How the Virus is past along is easily explained, stupid people. But then again I know the Left likes kaos, which has learned to use well to push a real hidden agenda. If you want a name, look up a real bad Lefty, Maurice Strong, Canada's own, delete the Planet of people kind of Guy. Adviser to Paul Martin and Jean Chretien governments as well as the U.N.. Read the Book Rainbow Six and then look up M. Strong. I didn't even know they created a video game Rainbow 6, until someone filled me in on this, I have never played mindless video games, which are a waste of time. If you can't believe people can be Evil, then just look at Hitler and Stalin, and tne people that surrounded them. I want to be believe that History of Evil is in the past, but there are to many questionable people around this World. I could state more but I don't want to take up to much of your time. Let's just try to be good to each other with these troubled times, and stay safe and do the right thing. And remember Untied we stand Divided we Fall.