RE:Another week ..there are no wonders only Buy back the bonds, faster than governmental leadership, can find determination, to spend them! It's a crime of political expediency. Negative interest rates, may steal from the poor, so the rich, appear to prosper!
Everyman/woman needs to work or be paid on the dole! Politicians in the democratic system need to get, most of votes. They want them all, but only get a share.They aim to impress by coming to rescue!
It remains a competitive game.
When low interest rates appear to be real, the race is on to acquire, the best asset package!
The poor always have their hand out. Everyone needs to be fed and now everyone, feels more entitled.
While the show, loses some of its luster, the media repetively comments, as if a witness, to some great event.
But not every investor is rich. Some hope to escape, the fate of the poor, by investing, in what others, may consider, a long shot at best.
No one wants to live on the street! Some would like a slightly better, style of life!
The Elder gold stream, may run dry.
French only, is not a triviality, when resentment, still bears its grudge.
The Sleeping Giant mine, may be hard to reset, like an economy poised to fail!
No more dilution! These may be words, like others, that have ringed, false before.
Drilling a mine is a fantasy, best left for children, in awe of a tree, well lit for Christmas, with the packages lying beneath.
Bitcoin is virtual but it remains a part of the dream!
Interest rates are destined to always remain low. Inflation has always been an evil that money managers, successfully control.
Gold as a consequence, will suffer the same fate as it always has. It is fated to fall!
How can one tell the difference between a truth and fiction, in a world, where deceit is often the rule!
Is it worth the risk to purchase a company, so small, but offers, such golden promise?
Do your own due dilligence. Each investor, must decide!
There are often, as many reasons to laugh, as reasons to cry!
It's a strange world indeed!
All the best! Java