Things to consider... I know everyone is excited and wants to see sales. I feel this is the time frame where KNR gets some traction on sales. The next 2-3 weeks will
prove that IMO. It's difficult to come up with a concept and bring it to market and then instantly get sales. Here are some things I feel could happen soon:
-more involvement from NRC which will assist with potential government sales. Paul has alluded to this as well. Any report that substantiates the effectiveness of the product will help.
-sales announcements as per timeline. It's safe to assume that some of the calls Paul and his staff have been getting are now turning into serious talks. (Anyone how has purchased a large item product before does their due diligence. That's what potential customers are doing right now - they are analyzing cost benefits, and outcomes before purchasing unit(s).)
-importance of distribution channels. These channels open up the product to a wider range of potential customers. The more distribution networks KNR has, the more exposure to potential customers.
Just some ideas, have a great Sunday!!