Value if approved I think some have done this exercise in the past / I need to do it once in a while to remind myself why I m still holding my position !!!
variables that have changed in the last 8 years
only 20 million shares / maybe 25 million full diluted
copper proces up ? 3 dollars now vs ?
gold 1200 now ? Vs previous price
new technology for harvesting minerals faster and more efficiently so as to produce more tons ?
= total value of minerals in ground to be mined
? 1.5 billion dollars worth
Company worth ? 65 percent of that value ? 975,000,000
divided by 25 million shares equal potential share price of
975 million / 25 million shares
share price 39 dollars ? !
All rough guess please help me with my numbers !!!
we should be a lot higher and going a lot higher after approval !