RE:RE:For the TRUMP IDIOTSgg, a couple more points about accusing your enemy of what you're doing. Remember the fake dossier of Trump and Russia, which was so heavily redacted because it all led back to obama and the Clinton Crime Family? Trump had nothing to do with Russia while the accusers had so much going on with them. Remember Trump and his one call to Ukraine? Remember how it all led back to Hunter Biden and the Biden Crime Family? Those dimwits keep accusing Trump of things they are doing and it blows up in their faces. Remember pictures of cages that Trump was supposed to be putting kids in? Yep, came back as pics from obama administration. Whodathunk the Senator from Illinois, that only voted "for" on abortion issues(strongly for killing babies) would turn out as the president to put kids in cages? So it was all forgotten quickly. I could go on as to Pelosi, DaBlasio and the killing governors but by now any intelligent person can see the trend. Accuse Trump of what you're doing. Can't wait to see what they accuse him of next. Let's us know what the Dims are up to.
btw, whatever happened to all those people gathered at the boarder. Soros have to bus them home again?