RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:PMED's also a common practice for pharma companies to sell to USA customers for much higher prices than in other countries. Does that make it right.
These small listed companies can put out news releases for free. They could buy email lists of potential investors to send info to. So why would they choose to pay thousands of dollars to have a so-called news outfit put out the same info? These so-called news outfits (and I use the term news begrudgingly) are available for hire. They are told the current situation and then they are paid to put out a glowing report to fool the 'uneducated' get rich quick investors....those that would think that a glowing article on some company must indicate that it is worth investing in immediately. And the company can try to act as if they didn't just engage in a promotion game. An outside news outfit wrote the story...ya know. Surely they had no bias. For new investors It's not until their investment is under water by 50% that they realize that they were duped.
Even the so-called news outfit that writes the glowing story warns in thier disclosure not to take what they printed as investment advice. In other words....we may not even believe what we just printed. But they paid us to print it.
In this case it appears they required cash to print the glowing article. Why not take shares? Well....the shares may turn out to be worth zero. They want cash. They won't gamble on unproven products or services. Cash only!