Snake Oil Salesman Sean DollingerI would pray that anyone who is invested or is thinking of investing in this company, stay away from it. I invested in a company called Namaste Technologies that Sean Dollinger was the CEO at the time. He was highly unprofessional in comparison to his peers at the time. He would regularly do weekly updates and pod casts even though investors begged him to stop (no publicly traded company does this, and gives the public a looking glass into their company the way Sean did). He constantly would make up firm dates for deliverables on these podcasts, which would cause investor hysteria when they didn't pan out on time. He would misquote things which would look like blatant lies, but Sean's just a dummy and his stupidity would tank the stock price.
The company under Sean Dollingers leadership was halted many times due to not filing financials on time - as per TSX guidelines, causing massive dips on the stock.
Theoretically he has really damn good ideas. The problem is the man can't execute on them or carry himself like a CEO of a publicly traded company. When he was thrown out of Namaste Technologies, he went on a live broadcast called the Midas Letter and wanted to air out everything. Again unprofessional, like some cheap Jerry Springer trailer trash segment. The dude needs to stop, and if you're considering investing in Sean you should stop too. I put in $60k into his company and by the end of it, I lost $50,000. Heed my warning. Invest at your own risk.