Deal will happenThe Atikameks are reasonable. Two major requests from them to get a deal: 1-Quebec gvt to accept their rights on the ancestrial territories and 2-the Co to commit to offer the Atikameks people good jobs. These 2 requests don't seem unsurmontable issues to get a deal. Furthermore, NOU and the Atikameks Nation already signed a "base pre-project deal" last year. I'm confident this story will unfold positively. Very nice opportunity to build a position roght now. JMHO.
CGC...please stop referring to Atikamks people as indians as it shows to all your moronic status. Indians are from India. Like many of us from Qubec, you prbably watched too many movies when you were young where there were battles between what we used to call "cowboys and "indians" as children. Time to grow pal! LOL!