3 Suggestions For The Cash1. Use it all to buy back shares. (mostly joking)
- this would reduce all outstanding shares to just under 10M and the float to 7M. Large boost to Return on Equity as the cash pays close to zero at today's rates.
2. Acquire an Accretive Business
- I'm sure this is on the radar, but attractive targets are probably not easy to find and would have to be in the cash values present price range as I don't believe Rene likes debt even at these interest rates. (I could be wrong though)
3. Pay a Dividend (my favourite)
- Could be a one time payment (up to $1) which would be fun, but not the most beneficial action. However, an annual dividend at .20c (.05c quarterly) could easily be replaced annually by cashflow and would begin to help the declining return on Equity numbers.
Any other thoughts out there?